Thursday, July 2, 2009

Style Round Table

I am excited to introduce the "Style Round Table" --a small, intimate group of women just like you that will meet to discuss your image, fashion and style concerns and questions. Of course, we all want to look and feel good about ourselves, and whether we like it our not, our image can have a direct effect on those around us and can even make or break our professional and social success.
The Style Round Table will be led by Image-Style Consultant Gwen Rich. The goal of the Round Table is to discuss your concerns about fashion and style and to learn and what topics you’d like to hear more about in future monthly workshops held here at IMAGE Inside & Out. This is your opportunity to have a direct impact on future topics offered by IMAGE Inside & Out.
I look forward to having you participate in my Style Round Table.
Please join me as we venture toward a Better You in 2009. Please respond if you would be interested in this workshop? If so, let me know what day and time is good for your schedule?
I look forward to hearing from you and your friends.

Gwen Rich AICI FLC
Image-Style Consultant
IMAGE Inside & Out

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