Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Who Would Like to Take the Conscious Closet Challenge in 2011?

The Conscious Closet is designed especially for today’s busy, woman. If I’ve learned one thing as an Image-Style Consultant, it’s that women of all ages and sizes sometimes find the simple task of getting dressed each day to be a challenge. Although many women desperately need help in the area of image, they don't seek help because they assign themselves lowest priority on their own 2-DO LISTS. Taking care of others instead of oneself is practically an innate trait among many women -- one that hinders their ability to look and feel better about themselves. The “Catch 22” in all this is that woman who do feel and look their best are consistently MORE PRODUCTIVE.

A Conscious Closet is a foolproof system to help you look and feel your best every time you walk out of your closet! Most importantly, you will discover a fresh new approach to building and maintaining your wardrobe. Ultimately, style is about confidence and feeling good about who you are.

“99.9 % of us are overworked and stressed”

Consequently addressing or putting yourself on your 2 Do List goes by the way side. Isn’t it time for you to RECOGNIZE that you need to put yourself on your 2 DO LIST. . Don’t put off any longer. Sign-up for the Conscious Closet Workshop today!

Cost of workshop: $99

Event: Conscious Closet Workshop

Dates: 1/11, 1/18, 1/25 1:00 to 2:00pm CST

Dates: 1/13,1/20,1/27 7:00 to 8:00pm CST

Location: Comfort of your own home via telephone

Your $99 includes:

Useful guide

Introductory podcast

3- 1-hr -teleconference calls once a week to review and follow-up

Share concerns and ideas with others

Bonus: Wardrobe Plan

Complete Conscious Closet in one month

Click to sign-up for the Conscious Closet Challenge!
