Local merchants will come together to sponsor the 3rd Annual "Win a Prom Makeover” contest, and this year’s event has a delightful twist: prizes will go not only to one lucky teen, but to one lucky mom as well.
Gwen Rich, founder and owner of IMAGE Inside & Out, established the “Win a Prom Makeover” contest three years ago in an effort to foster positive self-awareness among the teens in our community. Girls from Deerfield, Highland Park and Lake Forest are eligible to enter the contest, along with their moms. Entrants must submit a 400-word essay on the subject of “why they should win the “Win a Prom Makeover” contest”, along with a second, 100-word essay on the subject of “why their mother should win a makeover, too.” The purpose of this event is to help one girl from the above-mentioned communities to feel special about this year’s Prom, and to help one mom look and feel better about herself.
The winning teen will receive a complete wardrobe for this year’s prom, including dress, shoes, hair styling, manicures and more, all generously provided by local merchants. The contest is a life-changing event for each of the winners. “Every girl has her own story to tell. Maybe a girl dreams of being the bell of the ball, or perhaps she simply wants to attend the prom without causing a financial burden for her family,” said Ms. Rich. This once-in-a-lifetime experience not only provides many unforgettable memories, but also offers each girl a permanent boost to her self-esteem and confidence.
The prize-winning mom will be treated to a head to toe makeover, including hair-styling, makeup and wardrobe. Today’s busy mothers typically tend to their family members at the expense of their own needs. This year’s contest recognizes the fact that looking and feeling one’s best is important for women at any stage of life.
Essays should be submitted to winaprommakeover@comcast.net, starting on Wednesday, March 8th, and must include the contestant’s name and phone number. Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, April 20th. For details, go to www.imagebygwen.com and click on “win a prom makeover”.